Sunday, October 25, 2009

Research for Breadth 9 and 10

For our 5th in class assignment we are painting a still life in oil paints with an underpainting in acrylic. I experimented over the summer with oil paint and I really enjoy painting with it. We have been using gamasol and linseed oil to speed the drying of things. I actually really like how it makes the paint thinner and easier to spread out, and quicker to dry on the upper layers. I love using a palette knife to put texture into the piece.I have been looking at Trisha Lamoreaux .

I have been looking at Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Breadth 8 : Conceal and Reveal

For this assignment The concept was "Conceal and Reveal". I had a hard time getting started on this one. I thought about how I am different, based on where I am and who I'm with. At school I go and work on my things and look cheerful on the outside, but when I get home I'm usually stressed and worn out. The front figure is the "me at school", while the further one is the "me at home". I used Yellow and blue as symbolism for cheerful and depressed. I know that the table is warped and off . I used Acrylic paint and colored pencil, on purple charcoal paper. I Love how colored pencil looks with acrylic, and I will defiantly use them together again.

Breadth 7 : Vantage Point

For this project we had to draw a broken bottle from two distinct vantage points. I broke a couple of bottles then i decided just to reconstruct a broken bottle in a way I liked. I chose to draw on black matt board, because I really like how charcoal looks on it. I also used red and brown conte crayons, and whit and black charcoal pencils.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Breadth 6 :Recipe Sheet

This is at home assignment number 3. For this project we could do any thing we wanted using the recipe sheet. I really enjoy doing landscapes. This was done in watercolor and colored pencil. I really love how the colored pencil adds to the watercolor paints, they really complete each other. I think I need to go back in and make things a bit cleaner. I've gotten better at watercolor, but it is very hard to use and requires a lot of layers. The back round also needs to be made less prominent.

Breadth 5 : Extreme Foreshortening/ Point of View

This is In-class assignment number 3. The breathe topic was: extreme foreshortening/ point of view. I drew Lauren in class. I sat below her. It is done in graphite. It was really difficult for me because I am relatively inexperienced in foreshortening . I think I should smooth out the graphite more, and get more practice.

Breadth 4: Shelter

This is the second homework assignment that we had to to. The concept was "shelter". It is done in watercolor and ink once again. This piece is about the little hermit crab and his tiny shell. He is small in a big world, and his only shelter is his shell, Looming in the backround is a little girl who wishes to pick him up, which could be fatal because children aren't gentle.

Breadth 3: Recipe sheet

This is the second in class assignment that we had.
We got to Choose what we wanted to do. I did a self portrait in watercolor and pen. I could of used better planning stratagies.

At home Assignment 1

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Breadth 2: Still life

For the first at home assignment we got to do what ever we wanted. I decided to do a still life. I painted all glass objects on a green sheet. For the media I used watercolor and pen. I really like the composition. I also think that this piece would have been much better in acrylic or oil paint.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Breadth 1: Line

This is the first In class breadth assignment. For this piece I drew The covered sidewalk area next to the carpool area in the front of the school. I did it in Graphite pencils on white paper. I was bored while drawing the piece , and Now I know that it showed thru in my art work.

Research for art assignment set 3

F0r this set the assignments the in class assignment was "Extreme Foreshortening/Extreme point of view". The observation had to be 50/50 with the aid of a photo permitted. This was pretty hard for me because I'm not good at foreshortening.

I did alot of practice sketching in my sketchbook, but nevertheless it didn't come out so great.
It needs more visual tension, and I need to try to stop making things parallel with the sides of the paper and probably some better mark making ,Oh well.

For our homework I did a watercolor landscape of some trees, then I went back in with colored pencil to add the details. I really liked how other medias help bring a sort of punch to art work. I liked it but I should of made my backround balance the foreground.. oops. I looked at Gregory Conley and Maud Durland . I love how there work looks clean and not forced.