Sunday, February 28, 2010

Linoleum and Concentration research.

For this assignment in class the instructions are to do a series of linoleum prints . We have been studying the style of Ukiyo-e prints, and Ancient Japanese printmaking. The style should be idealized and illustrative. I love the detail and colors of the prints. I think that the technique of doing the print then going back in with water color is a really smart idea and I love how it adds to the picture. I still don't know what my subject will be, therefore I will continue to research.

For my next concentration piece I'm thinking about doing maybe some caves, or rock formations.
Like Stalagmites and stalactites or maybe mines.

Concentration : Aurora Borealis

I like doing concentration. It's more relaxing. I really love doing landscapes. The earth is so beautiful. Landscapes are so vast and original, so I love to paint them, You can't get bored. This piece I did a sky scape of the Northern Lights. The Aurora Borealis is caused by the magnetic pull at the top of the earth. The Lights are amazing because the come in so many different colors, and sizes and shapes. I don't have the picture yet,but I will put it up soon.

Embellishment Project

For this assignment the theme was embellishment. I did A lot of projects and just couldn't get the idea out. I started over 4 times, and I did the best that I could.