Sunday, January 31, 2010

Embellishment and HW Research

I'm really excited about this project. It seems like it's really going to be a lot of fun and work. If the piece turns out well then it's going to be worth it.
I have been looking at Lisa Kokin :
I really love what she is doing, and how amazing everything looks. She really is inspiring me to think out of the box for this project.

I'm also looking at Marilyn Greene:
I'm Thinking of doing some "quilting: methods and using different types of fabrics.

I'm really interested at beaded pictures . Beads are so versatile , and there are so many different types so the possibilities are endless.
I found a couple of different artists for this:
Julie Wishmeyer :

For my concentration piece I'm thinking of either doing a field of flowers in Oil or a lily pond in acrylic... I'm still thinking..

Mono print 3

This is the third mono print that I did. This is off the plate. I Like all the media that I used to make it. The bottom original layer was with oil paint. When it dried I went over it with chalk pastel in some places and acrylic paint in others.

Mono Print 2

This is the second mono print I did. I used oil paint again. I painted straight on the glass. I had to do a couple of layers to get this to print like this. After that I went back into it with acrylic. I don't really like this one. I don't like this technique I don't think that It turned out well.

Mono print 1

THis is the first mono print that I did. It is a stencil I made out of paper then I painted back into it with oil paint. The Stencil was delicate and kept breaking. Out of the 3 mono prints that I turned in I like this one the best. It takes for ever to do, which is why I did the other two differently.


This is a painting of a water fall I did . I had to do a lot of research on how waterfalls looked, How the rock behind it looked etc. For the rock in the background (behind the waterfall) I used a small rock to paint the texture and then I just blew the rock up. I like painting water because it's looks very nice if done right. I think I did pretty well on this piece. I really enjoy doing landscapes.

Breath 14

This is the piece I did over Winter Break. I thought we were only supposed to do one, but it was actually supposed to be 2.
Well anyways this is a portrait I did of the little boy I babysit. His Name is Joshua. I did it while he slept. I think I did ok on it. It's not my best piece. But it's the first time I've worked on canvas board.. I liked how the paint went on it smoothly.